About Kirill V
WHO is Kirill V?
My name is Kirill Vechtomov. I am a designer, entrepreneur, writer, podcaster, husband, dad of 3, and just a human being. I was born in the USSR, immigrated to Vancouver 🇨🇦 in 2010, and now, live in Luxembourg 🇱🇺 since 2022.
Some people think I am too crazy adventurous, but I decided that I want to fill my life with as many experiences, journeys, and learnings, as I can. Hence my life-long thirst for exploring new places, getting to know other people, and observing the world around us.
In my alternative life, I’ve been trying to solve people’s problems (or at least, what I thought their problems were 😆) by building and launching dozens of side projects, producing content, and even dabbling with startups. So many mistakes and lessons learned.
I've been designing digital experiences since 2005. Startups, small businesses, enterprises, corporations, you name it. Currently, I help Amazon, mainly helping people and companies selling their products on EU Amazon Marketplaces expand into new markets and grow their businesses.
WHY this newsletter?
Firstly, I want to help others learn something from my wins and losses. I am documenting my process, thinking, and key takeaways from my career and business-building journeys.
Secondly, I treat it as a journal of my thoughts and entrepreneurial, so that my kids and grand-...kids can get to know me better.
Third, I want to get better at writing words and formulating my thinking, I hear regular writing helps.
WHAT is this newsletter?
Here, I will be capturing my thoughts, ideas, advice, and opinions on a range of topics that I find interesting. The main theme is:
Building one-person online businesses as a Designpreneur.
Starting and growing as a UX/Product designer.- no more a priority.
Also, my observations while travelling and other topics that make me curious, from everyday problems, productivity tools, and macroeconomics to behavioural psychology, parenting, and survival skills. So... occasionally, there might be some random stuff, too 😜
What happens if I pay for it?
I am very interested in deepening my relationships with people who support my work beyond likes and follows. Most of my content published within the last 18 months is available for free.
Your paid subscription will:
Get access to behind-the-scenes content.
Support me as an indie creator.
Help me fund new creative projects.
Cover my software costs.
Earn my respect 😎
Give you access to the full archive.