Hello friends!
As usual, the holiday break is over faster than it should be 😆 Though, we tried to maximize quality family time and went on a trip to Switzerland 🇨🇭 and we LOVED it! I am going to write up a post about my main observations and impressions soon. Some epic scenery there. Sadly, photos can't express the depth and scale of the Alps, but still gorgeous.
My best wishes to you and your families!
For the next few weeks, the newsletter will be a little more (visually) condensed. I think I'm getting overwhelmed by the amount of white space in modern publishing tools. Let's see how it goes. Reply directly and let me know if you like the new format or not.
🔖 My content
Email course to help UX and Product designers get a job in UX.
Looking for some input from folks who have gone through a UX BootCamp.
My Notion "Get Hired in UX" Manual evolved into UX Career Library.
🔗 Cool finds
Study Finds That Buttons in Cars Are Safer and Quicker to Use Than Touchscreens (post - futurism.com) – I told you.
Case Study Checklist and Presentation Template (google slides).
LinkedIn job search tips from Austin Belcak (Twitter thread).
Memoirs of an Amazon Bar Raiser (post - medium.com) – from a very experienced interviewer who used to work at Amazon.
Learnings from year one at Google (post - substack.c0m) – interesting comparison of cultures at Amazon and Google from a Principal UX Designer.
Is Canceling All Meetings With More Than Two Employees To Free Up Workers’ Time (post - fortune.com) – fascinating step, having quite a few recurring meetings with more than 2 people, I am very curious to see where this goes.
Eastern Europeans are more likely to regard their culture as superior to others (research - pewresearch.org) – 🤔
Ciao! 🤙